Composite components
Organization: | DNVGL |
Publication Date: | 1 August 2017 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 338 |
This standard provides requirements and recommendations for structural design and structural analysis procedures for composite components. Emphasis with respect to loads and environmental conditions is put on applications in the offshore and processing industry. The materials description and calculation methods can be applied to any applications. Aspects related to documentation, verification, inspection, materials, fabrication, testing and quality control are also addressed.
The standard is applicable to all products and parts made of composite material and may be applied to modifications, operation and upgrading made to existing ones. It is intended to serve as a common reference for designers, manufacturers and end-users, thereby reducing the need for company specifications.
This standard assumes that material properties such as strength and stiffness are normally distributed. If the properties of a material deviate significantly from the assumption of a normal distribution, a different set of safety factors than specified herein has to be used.
All properties shall be estimated with 95% confidence except where noted.
Guidance note:
Different confidence levels are specified some places in this standard in order to ensure a uniform level of reliability.