SNZ NZS 2295
Pliable, permeable building underlays
Organization: | SNZ |
Publication Date: | 28 September 2006 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 28 |
The scope of this Standard is as follows.
Wall underlays
The scope of this Standard includes wall underlays fitted:
(a) Behind wall claddings directly fixed to timber, steel framing or thermal breaks of the steel framing; and
(b) Behind battens that form a drained and ventilated cavity behind wall claddings fixed to timber or behind the thermal break of steel framing.
Roof underlays
The scope of this Standard includes roof underlays under roof claddings.
Materials outside scope
The scope of this Standard does not include:
(a) Rigid materials used in place of pliable wall or roof underlay;
(b) Pliable membranes used as insulation;
(c) Vapour barriers used under concrete slabs or suspended timber floors;
(d) Vapour barriers behind wall or roof claddings; or
(e) Foil laminates.
NOTE - Foil laminates used as underlay are covered in AS/NZS 4200.1.
This Standard does not cover installation; however, some guidance on recommended industry practice is provided in Appendix A to assist users to meet the requirements of this Standard.
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