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LUL - S1193

Electromagnetic Compatibility with LU Signalling System Assets

Organization: LUL
Publication Date: 1 April 2017
Status: inactive
Page Count: 64

This standard applies to any new or altered infrastructure, which is to be introduced or modified by any Supplier or Third Party, and for which it is credible that EMI generated or transmitted by the new or altered infrastructure will impact any LU Signalling System assets.

If any part of the new or altered infrastructure is located in the Vicinity of a LU route then the requirements of this standard apply to all elements that can credibly pose a threat to LU Signalling System assets.

This standard does not cover situations where LU may affect 3rd Party Signalling. Compliance with the 3rd Party standards shall be required.


The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements for the management and control of sources of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) so that any resulting disturbance to London Underground (LU) Signalling System assets is kept within acceptable limits.

Document History

June 1, 2022
Electromagnetic Compatibility with LU Signalling System Assets
This standard shall be used when any new or altered infrastructure, which is to be introduced or modified by any Supplier or Third Party, and for which it is credible that EMI generated or...
June 1, 2022
Electromagnetic Compatibility with LU Signalling System Assets
This standard shall be used when any new or altered infrastructure, which is to be introduced or modified by any Supplier or Third Party, and for which it is credible that EMI generated or...
April 1, 2017
Electromagnetic Compatibility with LU Signalling System Assets
This standard applies to any new or altered infrastructure, which is to be introduced or modified by any Supplier or Third Party, and for which it is credible that EMI generated or transmitted by the...
March 1, 2013
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with LU Signalling System Assets
This standard applies to any new or altered infrastructure, which is to be introduced or modified by any Supplier or Third Party, and for which it is credible that EMI generated or transmitted by the...

