ACI 447R
Design Guide for Twisting Moments in Slabs
Organization: | ACI |
Publication Date: | 1 April 2018 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 36 |
This design guide applies to slabs of both uniform and nonuniform thicknesses, including drop caps and drop panels, except where noted in the text. This guide does not apply to waffle slabs, or the beams of beam-and-slab floor systems. Chapters 3 through 6 address slabs and walls in which the response is determined purely by bending. Chapter 7 addresses shells for which the response is determined by bending and membrane action. Chapter 6 and the theory sections of this guide are applicable to walls. Chapter 7 and the theory sections of this guide are applicable to shells, with the caveat that equations presented in Chapter 3 are not valid for curved shells.