The barrier materials covered by this specification are intended
for use in specialized military methods of preservation. The
combination of all performance characteristics of MIL-PRF-22191;
water vapor transmission rate; transparency; contact corrosivity;
storage stability; seam strength and fabrication; puncture, aging,
blocking, and curl resistance; delamination; waterproofness; water
resistance of markings provide the necessary requirements for
protection from exposure to the extremes of the navy/naval aviation
environment. Navy/naval aviation items are exposed to high
moisture, high salt concentration, transfer at sea, rough handling,
and minimal storage conditions. There are no commercial equivalents
that meet the physical, mechanical, and corrosion requirements
necessary to protect materiel that is exposed to the operational
naval aviation environment. Specifically, Methods of Preservation
31, 32, 33, 41 and 51 of MIL-STD-2073-1 use MIL-PRF-22191 as the
premier source of barrier materials that is transparent and
provides waterproof and watervaporproof (and watervaporproof with
desiccant) protection for applicable items encountering the above
conditions. MIL-PRF-22191 provides the building blocks for applying
specialized military preservation techniques approved under
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