This document references:
AR 40-5 - Army Public Health Program
Published by ARMY
May 12, 2020
Scope of Army public health a. PH is the preservation, maintenance, and restoration of health in Army populations through the anticipation, prediction, identification, surveillance, evaluation,...
This document references:
DODD 1300.22(D) CE-02 - Mortuary Affairs Policy
Published by DODD
September 2, 2021
PURPOSE. This directive: a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 1300.22E (Reference (a)) to establish policy and assign responsibilities for DoD mortuary affairs. b. Cancels the Secretary of the Army...
This document references:
DODD 4000.19 - Support Agreements
Published by DOD
August 31, 2018
PURPOSE. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5134.01 (Reference (a)), this instruction reissues and renames DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4000.19 (Reference (b)) to establish policy,...
This document references:
AR 200-1 - Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Published by ARMY
December 13, 2007
Applicability. This regulation addresses environmental responsibilities of all Army organizations and agencies. Specifically, this regulation applies to— (a) Active Army, Army National Guard/Army...
This document references:
Published by ARMY
February 22, 2005
This regulation establishes policy and responsibilities for the Army's Installation Laundry and Dry Cleaning (L&DC) Operations, which furnishes services to authorized patrons and agencies. For the...
This document references:
AR 30-22 - Army Food Program
Published by ARMY
July 17, 2019
Purpose This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, objectives, and standards for the implementation and management of Army subsistence and food service programs in garrison, field, and...
This document references:
AR 40-5 - Army Public Health Program
Published by ARMY
May 12, 2020
Scope of Army public health a. PH is the preservation, maintenance, and restoration of health in Army populations through the anticipation, prediction, identification, surveillance, evaluation,...
This document is referenced by:
AR 11-35 - Occupational and Environmental Health Risk Management
Published by ARMY
May 11, 2016
Purpose This regulation sets policies, responsibilities, and procedures for identifying, managing, and controlling occupational and environmental health (OEH) risks, as part of the Army Occupational...