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ANSI - MSE 2000

A Management System for Energy

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Organization: ANSI
Publication Date: 1 January 2008
Status: active
Page Count: 55

Purpose: This standard specifies requirements for a management system for energy (MSE) that enables an organization to take a systematic approach to the continual improvement of energy performance. Energy performance may include improved energy intensity, increased use of renewable energy and reduced expenditures for energy.

The standard does not state specific performance criteria with respect to energy but leaves the determination of reasonable performance improvement goals (objectives) to the discretion of the organization's energy management planning process.

A management system for energy covers the supply, demand, reliability, purchase, storage, use and disposal, as appropriate, of primary and secondary energy resources.

Application: This document is intended as a voluntary standard for a management system for energy (MSE). This standard is applicable to any organization that uses energy, and wants to:

a) assure itself of its conformance with its stated energy policy,

b) establish, implement, maintain, and improve a management system for energy, separately or within the framework of an existing management system,

c) demonstrate conformance of the management system for energy requirements to external stakeholders and other interested parties, and

d) seek certification of its management system for energy by an external organization, or

e) make a self determination and self-declaration of conformance with the standard.

All the requirements in this standard are intended to be incorporated into any management system for energy (MSE). The implementing organization must be defined to accomplish this objective.

The standard is valid for factors affecting energy use that can be monitored and/or measured and controlled or influenced by the organization.

Compatibility: This management system for energy (MSE) standard is intended to be used independently or integrated with other management systems. Organizations are encouraged to review comparable elements for potential points of integration.

Document History

MSE 2000
January 1, 2008
A Management System for Energy
Purpose: This standard specifies requirements for a management system for energy (MSE) that enables an organization to take a systematic approach to the continual improvement of energy performance....
January 1, 2005
A Management System for Energy
A description is not available for this item.
April 6, 2000
A Management System for Energy
A description is not available for this item.

