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DSF/prEN ISO 22477-5

Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 5: Testing of anchorages (ISO/DIS 22477-5:2009)

Organization: DS
Status: pending
Page Count: 76
ICS Code (Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works): 93.020

(1) This Standard establishes specifications for the execution of tension load tests where an anchor grouted in the ground, as defined in EN 1997-1, is loaded by step (method 3) or in incremental cycles (methods 1 and 2) from a datum load to a maximum test load. The displacement of the anchor head is measured over a period of time at each step (method 3) or at maximum load in each incremental cycle (method 1). The loss of load is measured over a period of time, at maximum load after lock off, in each incremental cycle (method 2). (2) This standard provides specifications for three types of tension tests: investigation tests, suitability tests and acceptance tests. These tests are defined by EN 1997-1 as: - tests aimed at estimating the pull-out resistance (investigation tests), NOTE 1 From these tests, other information, such as the critical creep load, may be obtained. - tests aimed at checking the suitability of the execution method in the actual conditions of the construction site (suitability tests), NOTE 2 Normally this test is done on a working anchor with a proof load equal to that used for acceptance test. If higher load is applied, this test must be considered as an investigation test and the anchor cannot be used as working anchor. - Tests aimed at checking that each anchor will resist at least the design load (acceptance tests). (3) For the different types of tests only one method shall be used in each project. The method must be prescribed in the project specifications. (4) The standard provides specifications for the experimental devices, the measurement apparatus, the test procedures, the definition and the presentation of the test results and the content of records. (5) Guidance is given on the determination of the measured value of the pull out resistance Ra of an anchor on the basis of investigation tests and for checking of the displacement behaviour of an anchor on the basis of suitability tests and acceptance tests. (6) This standard shall be used in conjunction with EN 1997-1 and EN 1537.

Document History

September 25, 2018
Geotechnical investigation and testing – Testing of geotechnical structures – Part 5: Testing of grouted anchors (ISO 22477-5:2018)
This document establishes specifications for the execution of tension tests to be carried out on an anchor grouted in the ground, as defined in EN 1997-1 and EN 1537. Three methods of testing are...
Geotechnical investigation and testing – Testing of geotechnical structures – Part 5: Testing of grouted anchors (ISO/FDIS 22477-5:2018)
This Standard establishes specifications for the execution of tension tests to be carried out on an anchor grouted in the ground, as defined in EN 1997-1 and EN 1537. Three methods of test are...
Geotechnical investigation and testing – Testing of geotechnical structures – Part 5: Testing of grouted anchors (ISO/DIS 22477-5:2016)
This Standard establishes specifications for the execution of tension tests to be carried out on an anchor grouted in the ground, as defined in EN 1997-1 and EN 1537. Three methods of test are...
Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 5: Testing of anchorages (ISO/DIS 22477-5:2005)
This European standard specifies requirements for testing of anchorages within the scope of the geotechnical investigations and testing according to ENV 1997 and to EN 1537. The purpose of this...
DSF/prEN ISO 22477-5
Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 5: Testing of anchorages (ISO/DIS 22477-5:2009)
(1) This Standard establishes specifications for the execution of tension load tests where an anchor grouted in the ground, as defined in EN 1997-1, is loaded by step (method 3) or in incremental...

