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ITU-T H.248.9

Gateway control protocol: Advanced media server packages

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Organization: ITU-T
Publication Date: 1 December 2009
Status: active
Page Count: 114

This Recommendation uses the package mechanism to define a parameter syntax to provide a means of referring to provisioned announcements and variable content to be played within them. As indicated in documentation of the packages concerned, this syntax contains optional features, the support of which is indicated by the presence of the additional packages on the termination. The syntax may be used to evoke multimedia content. In addition, this Recommendation adds a series of functional packages to the Megaco/ITU-T H.248.1 protocol to control an Audio or Multimedia Resource Function which may reside on a media gateway or specialized audio server.

The announcement specification syntax is described in a series of packages:

• Basic syntax package: Provides the syntax by which to refer to provisioned media segments, with a general capability for extension. See clause 6.1 for an introduction and clause 6.2 for detailed definition.

• Voice variables package: An optional extension to the base syntax, which provides stand-alone and embedded variables, with an initial set of voice variable types. See clause 6.1.5 for an introduction and clause 6.3 for detailed definition.

• Set syntax package: An optional extension to the base syntax, which provides an arbitrary number of user-defined qualifiers to be used in resolving complex audio structures. For example, the user could define qualifiers for any or all of the following: language, accent, audio file format, gender, speaker or customer. See clause 6.1.6 for an introduction and clause 6.4 for detailed definition.

• Generic text syntax package: An optional extension to the base syntax, which provides a generic text voice variable type. See clause 6.1.7 for an introduction and clause 6.5 for a detailed definition.

The functional packages documented in this Recommendation are as follows:

• Advanced audio server (AAS) base package: Provides a signal to play an announcement and events to monitor the outcome of the playout request. See clause 8.

• AAS base package for TTS enhancement: Provides signals to play TTS and an event to monitor the outcome of the playout request. See clause 13.

• AAS Digit collection package: Extends the AAS base package by providing a signal and events to coordinate digit collection with the playout of prompting announcements. See clause 9.

• AAS recording package: Extends the AAS base package by providing a property, signals and events to coordinate the collection of recorded voice with the playout of prompting announcements. See clause 10.

• AAS segment management package allows the MGC to specify an alternative audio segment, which is played in place of a given segment whenever that segment is invoked, until the override is terminated by the MGC. It also allows deletion of persistent segments. Unlike the other packages, this package is defined on a special logical segment control termination and uses only the basic announcement specification syntax. See clause 11.

• AAS automatic speech recognition package: Provides signals to play ASR and events to indicate the result of the play request. See clause 12.

• AAS Multimedia Play Package: Provides a signal to play a multimedia file and events to monitor the outcome of the playout request. See clause 14.

• AAS Multimedia Recording Package: Extends the AAS Recording Package to coordinate the collection of recorded multimedia. See clause 15.

• Enhanced DTMF Detection Package: This Package allows the MGC to determine whether digits were collected during a prompting or collection phase. See clause 16.

Document History

ITU-T H.248.9
December 1, 2009
Gateway control protocol: Advanced media server packages
This Recommendation uses the package mechanism to define a parameter syntax to provide a means of referring to provisioned announcements and variable content to be played within them. As indicated in...
August 1, 2007
Gateway control protocol: Advanced media server packages Amendment 1: ASR, TTS and multimedia enhancement
A description is not available for this item.
January 1, 2005
Gateway control protocol: Advanced media server packages
A description is not available for this item.
March 1, 2002
Gateway Control Protocol: Advanced Media Server Packages Series H: Audiovisual and Multimedia Systems Infrastructure of Audiovisual Services - Communication Procedures
A description is not available for this item.

