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ETSI - TR 187 013

Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Feasibility study on IPTV Security Architecture

active, Most Current
Organization: ETSI
Publication Date: 1 February 2011
Status: active
Page Count: 82

The present document presents the result of a study of options for the IPTV security architecture supporting TISPAN NGN Release 3 that satisfies the security requirements for IPTV given in TS 187 001 [i.1].

The present document offers the results of analysis of the options for security architecture and mechanisms to provide IPTV service protection where service protection refers to the protection offered during the period when IPTV media is transmitted in the NGN. A security architecture for a general content protection framework to allow comparison of existing content protection solutions (e.g. DRM systems) is required for the NGN, but is not covered by the present document. Content protection includes the provision of post-delivery protection of IPTV media and may include controls to ensure that the user can only use the content in accordance with the license it has been granted, e.g. the times of the content can be viewed.

NOTE: The functional architecture for IMS based IPTV without security entities conforms to TS 182 027 [i.5]. The functional architecture for dedicated IPTV subsystem without security entities conforms to TS 182 028 [i.6].

Document History

TR 187 013
February 1, 2011
Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Feasibility study on IPTV Security Architecture
The present document presents the result of a study of options for the IPTV security architecture supporting TISPAN NGN Release 3 that satisfies the security requirements for IPTV given in TS 187 001...

