SPECIFICATION FOR LINE PIPE (Combination of Former Spec 5L, 5LS & 5LX)
Organization: | API |
Publication Date: | 31 May 1984 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 87 |
NOTE: The grade designations and herein for Grader A and B do not include reference to the specified minimum yield strength. Other grade designations used herein comprise the Letter A or X followed by the first two digits of the specified minimum yield strength.
Coverage. This specification covers seamless
and welded steel line pipe. It includes standard-weight and
extra-strong threaded line pipe: and standard-weight plain-end,
regular-weight plain-end, special plain-end, extra-strong
plain-end, and double-extra-strong plain-end pipe; as well as bell
and spigot and through-the-flowline
Dimensional requirements on threads and thread gages, stipulations on gaging practice, gage specifications and certification, as well as instruments and methods for inspection of threads are given in API Std 5B and are applicable to products covered by this specification.
Grades covered by this specification are A25, A, B, X42, X46, X52, X56, X60, X65 and X70 and grades intermediate to the Grades X42 and higher listed. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of intermediate grades which are subject to agreement between purchaser and manufacturer must be consistent with the corresponding requirements for the grades to which the material is intermediate.
Pipe manufactured as Grade X60 or higher shall not be substituted for pipe ordered for Grade X52 or lower without purchaser approval.
Policy. American Petroleum Institute (API) Specifications are published as aids to the procurement of standardized equipment and materials, as well as instructions to A PI Licensees. These Specifications are not intended to obviate the need for sound engineering, nor to inhibit in any way anyone from purchasing or producing products to other specifications.
The formulation and publication of API Specifications and the associated license program is not intended in any way to inhibit the purchase of products from companies not licensed to use the API monogram.*
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API Specifications may be used by anyone desiring to do so, and diligent effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them. However, the Institute makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee in connection with the publication of any API Specification and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use, for any violation of any federal, state, or municipal regulation with which an API Specification may conflict, or for the infringement of any patent resulting from the use of an API Specification.
The application of the A PI monogram is a warranty that the licensee has obtained a valid license to use the monogram and that each individual item which bears the monogram conformed, in every detail, with the applicable API Specification at the time of manufacture. However, the American Petroleum Institute does not represent, warrant or guarantee that products bearing the API monogram do in fact conform to the applicable API standard or specification.
*The API monogram -AP -is a registered trademark of the American Petroleum Institute.
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