Infrastructure Plant Manual: Mobile Plant (Non-Rail Mounted) and Road Vehicles
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 1 December 2018 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 11 |
This module specifies requirements and guidance for using mobile plant:
a) on or near the line;
b) lineside; and
c) when transporting plant.
This module applies to organisations involved with the planning or supply of any mobile plant, carrying out or controlling operations using mobile plant, or maintaining mobile plant used on Network Rail managed infrastructure and Network Rail projects. Mobile plant is any item of plant not classed as OTP or OTM
The implementation of this module contributes to mitigating the following risks:
a) compliance with legislation (LOLER, PUWER, HASAW);
b) MEWPs becoming out of control, e.g. MEWP operator being crushed under a structure;
c) collision, e.g. collision between a RRV and an OTM;
d) overturning, e.g. RRV overturning during lifting operations;
e) damage to assets, e.g. RRV or its load hitting a passing train during ALO operation; and
f) staff injuries, e.g. Operator