CEN/TR 17365
Method for the determination of C3A in the clinker from cement analysis
Organization: | CEN |
Publication Date: | 1 May 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 24 |
ICS Code (Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar): | 91.100.10 |
This document describes the analytical procedures used to determine the content of C3A in the clinker starting from a chemical analysis on cement. The method can be applied to CEM type I and IV for the determination of the requirement of C3A, as defined on EN 197‑1.
This document describes two methods, traditional wet and XRF analysis (EN 196‑2), which can be considered to be equivalent, in the scope of this CEN/TR 17365, for the determination of Al2O3, Fe2O3 and SO3.
The same methods are described in EN 196‑2, but for the scope of this document, the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the preferred method to be used for the determination of Al2O3, Fe2O3 and SO3.