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DIN EN 934-2/A1

Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures; definitions and requirements; German version EN 934-2:1997/prA1:1998

Organization: DIN
Publication Date: 1 February 1999
Status: inactive
ICS Code (Construction materials and building (Vocabularies)): 01.040.91
ICS Code (Concrete and concrete products): 91.100.30

Document History

November 1, 2014
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version prEN 934-2:2014
A description is not available for this item.
August 1, 2012
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012
Diese Europäische Norm legt Begriffe und Anforderungen für Zusatzmittel für Beton fest. Sie gilt für Zusatzmittel für unbewehrten Beton, Stahl- und Spannbeton, die für Ort- und Transportbeton sowie...
November 1, 2010
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version EN 934-2:2009/prA1:2010
A description is not available for this item.
September 1, 2009
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version EN 934-2:2009
A description is not available for this item.
November 1, 2008
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version prEN 943-2:2008
A description is not available for this item.
March 1, 2006
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version EN 934-2:2001/A2:2005
A description is not available for this item.
June 1, 2005
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Concrete admixtures - Part 2: Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version EN 934-2:2001/A1:2004
A description is not available for this item.
April 1, 2005
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling, German version EN 934-2:2001/prA2:2005
A description is not available for this item.
February 1, 2002
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures; Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling; German version EN 934-2:2001
A description is not available for this item.
DIN EN 934-2/A1
February 1, 1999
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures; definitions and requirements; German version EN 934-2:1997/prA1:1998
A description is not available for this item.
March 1, 1998
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures; definitions and requirements; German version EN 934-2:1997
A description is not available for this item.