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NASA Requirements for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PVS)

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Organization: NASA
Publication Date: 9 August 2017
Status: active
Page Count: 64


The purpose of this document is to ensure the structural integrity of PVS through implementation of a minimum set of requirements for ground-based PVS in accordance with this document, NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 8710.5, NASA Safety Policy for Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems, NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 8715.3, NASA General Safety Program Requirements, applicable Federal Regulations, and voluntary consensus standards (VCS).


This standard applies to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities, and Technical and Service Support Centers, and may be cited in contract, program, and other Agency documents as a technical requirement. This standard may apply to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, other contractors, grant recipients, or parties to agreements to the extent specified or referenced in their contracts, grants, or agreements.

This standard applies to all ground-based equipment designed for, or operating at, positive or negative gauge pressure that is not specifically excluded in Paragraph 4.2. It applies to NASA-owned or -operated, temporary or permanent, ground-based PVS and to non-NASA-owned contractor or tenant ground-based PVS operated on NASA property if that PVS is determined by the Pressure Systems Manager (PSM) to pose a risk to NASA personnel, facilities, or equipment. It specifically includes, subject to Paragraph 4.2, systems often referred to as "low pressure" such as building and facility services equipment (e.g., shop air), laboratory systems, and vacuum systems.

When conflicts exist between this document and VCS, this document shall take precedence, except in those cases where the VCS is invoked by applicable Government regulation.

Note: The basis for this is (1) avoiding inadvertent changes to the NASA requirements when VCS changes, and (2) ensuring that the intentionally developed requirements specific to NASA needs take precedence over more generally intended industry standards.

Requirements in addition to, and that do not conflict with, those listed herein may be appropriate for inclusion in Center-specific PVS policies and procedures to address unique applications and situations not covered by this document. As provided for in NPD 8710.5, it is the PSM's responsibility to assure that such additional requirements are developed and included in the Center's certification process.

Document History

April 26, 2023
NASA Standard for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PVS)
Purpose The purpose of this standard is to ensure the structural integrity of PVS through implementation of a minimum set of requirements for ground-based PVS in accordance with this standard, NPR...
April 26, 2022
NASA Standard for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PVS)
Purpose The purpose of this standard is to ensure the structural integrity of PVS through implementation of a minimum set of requirements for ground-based PVS in accordance with this standard, NPR...
NASA Requirements for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PVS)
Purpose The purpose of this document is to ensure the structural integrity of PVS through implementation of a minimum set of requirements for ground-based PVS in accordance with this document, NPR...
August 9, 2017
NASA Requirements for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PVS)
Purpose The purpose of this document is to ensure the structural integrity of PVS through implementation of a minimum set of requirements for ground-based PVS in accordance with this document, NASA...
September 30, 2015
NASA Requirements for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PVS)
This standard applies to all ground-based equipment designed for, or operating at, positive or negative gauge pressure that is not specifically excluded in Paragraph 4.2. It applies to NASA-owned or...
November 6, 2009
NASA Requirements for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PVS)
PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to ensure the structural integrity of PVS through implementation of a minimum set of requirements for ground-based PVS in accordance with this document, NASA...
September 22, 2006
NASA Requirements for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and Pressurized Systems (PV/S)
Purpose The purpose of this document is to ensure the structural integrity of PV/S through implementation of the minimum requirements for ground-based PV/S in accordance with this document, NASA...

