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CIE 234

A Guide to Urban Lighting Masterplanning

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Organization: CIE
Publication Date: 1 January 2019
Status: active
Page Count: 64

The scope of a lighting masterplan is necessarily wide if it is to achieve its objectives and is to become a useful, long term, working document. A typical scope of work will include:

• A detailed analysis of the existing subject area or, in the case of a new conurbation, analysis of the planned layout and composition of the area. Such analysis requires in - depth survey work, macro and micro view analysis, photography, identification of distinctive precincts by built character or function, requirements of the various users, existing lighting conditions, ownerships of key buildings and structures and potential future developments, which may materially change views and vistas. Through this process it is important that the lighting planner becomes fully conversant with the 'feel' of the city, its morphology, its visual characteristics, and its life.

• A comprehensive consultation programme with all public and private sector stakeholders. This is an important element of a successful planning exercise and should be an early action item. The following note on 'Consultation Groups' summar izes the stakeholders who are normally concerned with lighting developments. The objective should be to ensure that the consultation is all embracing and that no disaffected party should be created. The role and involvement of the print, broadcast and media-internet should not be underestimated in gaining general public understanding and support for a civic lighting programme. Sometimes, the contribution of a sociologist can also improve communication with local individuals and associations and bring up further ideas for discussion (Chain, 2006).

• A close collaboration with the city's highway lighting authority. Since, in most cities, road and street lighting comprises the core of public lighting, it forms a major proportion of the overall lighting. Accordingly, the quality and visual dominance of such lighting is a primary element in a lighting masterplan and close consideration requires its integration into the wider urban nightscape.

• Identifying national, regional and local lighting related legislation, mandatory codes, energy criteria and environmental guidelines.

• Establishing a successful relationship with the city's political representatives to ensure that lighting development is well supported at community levels and within the various local government departments. Ideally, the consultant wil l be provided with one point of contact within the client organization; this may be an individual or a small committee formed to steer the project.

• Establishing a set of foundational lighting policies that can be presented to local government for adoption as extended planning legislation or an alternative regulatory system.

• Guiding the client in establishing a mechanism that will ensure the successful delivery of the lighting masterplanning objectives. This might include setting up, or extending, a city lighting management structure, and engaging of suitable experience and skill to implement and secure the long-term delivery of the lighting developments and their maintenance. Additionally, the client may require advice on innovative ways of securing the necessary funding for the capital and operational costs of lighting within the public and private sectors.

Document History

CIE 234
January 1, 2019
A Guide to Urban Lighting Masterplanning
The scope of a lighting masterplan is necessarily wide if it is to achieve its objectives and is to become a useful, long term, working document. A typical scope of work will include: • A detailed...

