CIE 198
Organization: | CIE |
Publication Date: | 1 January 2011 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 32 |
This recommendation is a basis for the determination of measurement uncertainties associa ted with the values of selected quantities used in photometry. It summarises fundamental definitions for the evaluation of standard, combined and expanded measurement uncertainties and provides guidance on how to build the models for the evaluation of selected quantities based on the measurement procedures. The document shows in supplements a selection of examples as practical help and guidance, explaining in great detail the measurement uncertainty budget, the determination of the effective degrees of freedom, and the presentation of a measurement result with the statement of the associated expanded uncertainty. The examples selected are photometric ones, but it is planned that Division 2 will develop more examples for current and newly created quantities in future technical reports of the CIE and more supplements will be added to this report.