SNZ AS/NZS 1170.0
Structural design actions Part 0: General principles
Organization: | SNZ |
Publication Date: | 4 June 2002 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 40 |
This Standard specifies general procedures and criteria for the structural design of a building or structure in limit states format. It covers limit states design, actions, combinations of actions, methods of analysis, robustness and confirmation of design.
The Standard is applicable to the structural design of whole buildings or structures and their elements.
This Standard covers the following actions:
(a) Permanent action (dead load).
(b) Imposed action (live load).
(c) Wind.
(d) Snow.
(e) Earthquake.
(f) Static liquid pressure.
(g) Ground water.
(h) Rainwater ponding.
(i) Earth pressure.
1 Where this Standard does not give information required for design, special studies should be carried out. Guidance is given in Appendix A.
2 Where testing is used to determine data for design or to confirm a design, guidance on methods is given in Appendix B.
3 Normal design practice is that all likely actions be considered. Any actions considered in design that are not in the above list should be the subject of special studies, as they are not covered by this Standard.
4 Additional information on other actions such as movement effects, construction loads and accidental actions is given in the Commentary (see Preface).
5 Movement effects include actions on structures resulting from expansion or contraction of materials of construction (such as those due to creep, temperature or moisture content changes) and also those resulting from differential ground settlement. Serviceability may be particularly affected by such actions.
6 Guidance on criteria for serviceability is given in Appendix C, which have been found to be generally suitable for importance level 2 buildings. Structures of special importance or structures where more stringent criteria are appropriate may require the stated criteria to be tightened.
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