Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant Equipment
Organization: | ASME |
Publication Date: | 31 December 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 357 |
(a) This Standard applies to stationary vessels used for the storage, accumulation, or processing of corrosive or other substances at pressures not exceeding 15.0 psig (103 kPag) external and/or 15.0 psig (103 kPag) internal above any hydrostatic head.
(b) In relation to the geometry of vessels, the scope of this Standard shall include the following:
(1) where external piping is to be connected to the vessel
(-a) the first threaded joint for screwed connections
(-b) the face of the first flange for bolted connections
(-c) the vessel side sealing surface for proprietary connections or fittings
(2) the vessel attachment joint when an attachment is made to either the external or internal surface of the vessel
(3) covers for vessel openings, such as manhole and handhole covers
(4) the vessel side sealing surface for proprietary fittings, such as gages and instruments, for which rules are not provided by this Standard
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