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I-Codes: ORSSC - Oregon Structural Specialty Code

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Organization: ICC
Publication Date: 1 January 2019
Status: active
Page Count: 893

The scope of this code is as provided in ORS 455.020(1).

Detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures shall comply with the Residential Code.

Consistent with the purpose and scope of application of the state building code as authorized in ORS 455.020, this code shall not apply to the following:

1. The construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair, maintenance and work located primarily in a public way.

2. Abatement of nuisances and dangerous buildings.

3. Fire safety during construction.

4. Demolition.

5. Protection of adjoining property.

6. Temporary use of streets, alleys and public property.

7. Portable fire extinguishers.

8. Encroachments into the public way.

9. Public utility towers and poles.

10. Mechanical equipment not specifically regulated in this code.

11. Hydraulic flood control structures, including but not limited to dams and levees.

12. Retaining walls that do not provide safeguards for the users of buildings; and do not support a regulated building or required accessible parking; and do not retain material, if not restrained, could impact a regulated building.

13. Fences.

14. Tanks that are located exterior to and not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

15. Cellular phone, radio, television and other telecommunication and broadcast towers that are not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

16. Flagpoles not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

17. Signs not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

18. Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays.

19. Floating structures.

20. Docks.

21. Fixed piers or wharves with no superstructure.

22. Equipment shelters not intended for human occupancy with a building area of 250 square feet or less, designated as Risk Category I or II.

23. Transitional housing accommodations.

24. Administration and implementation of a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

25. Detached tents and other membrane structures erected for periods of 180 days or less.

26. Other structures not regulated by the state building code consistent with the scope of ORS 455.020.

Municipalities, as defined in ORS 455.010(5), may establish administrative procedures in accordance with ORS 455.020(4), and may amend specific sections of Chapter 1, as identified throughout the chapter.

Municipalities are permitted to enact local ordinances for the following:

1. Pursuant to the regulation of dangerous buildings, a municipality may adopt seismic rehabilitation plans that provide for phased completion of repairs that are designed to provide improved life safety but that may be less than the standards for new buildings.

2. Abatement of nuisances and dangerous buildings.

3. Fire safety during construction.

4. Demolition.

5. Protection of adjoining property.

6. Temporary use of streets, alleys and public property.

7. Encroachments into the public way.

8. Retaining walls that do not provide safeguards for the users of buildings; and do not support a regulated building or required accessible parking; and do not retain material, which if not restrained, could impact a regulated building.

9. Fences.

10. Tanks that are located exterior to and not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

11. Cellular phone, radio, television and other telecommunication and broadcast towers that are not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

12. Flagpoles not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

13. Signs not attached to or supported by a regulated building.

14. Floating structures.

15. Docks.

16. Fixed piers or wharves with no superstructure.

17. Equipment shelters not intended for human occupancy with a building area 250 square feet or less, designated as Risk Category I or II.

18. Administration and implementation of a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

19. Transitional housing accommodations.

20. Matters not encompassed by this code.


Provisions in the appendices shall not apply unless specifically adopted as noted in Sections through

Adopted appendices.

The following appendices are adopted by the State of Oregon, Building Codes Division, as part of the state building code:

1. Appendix C, "Agricultural Buildings."

2. Appendix I, "Patio Covers."

3. Appendix P, "Tall Wood Buildings."

Appendices not adopted, but are available for municipal adoption.

The following appendices are not adopted by the State of Oregon, Building Codes Division, as part of the state building code but may be specifically adopted by a local municipality through local ordinance.

1. Appendix A, "Employee Qualifications."

2. Appendix B, "Board of Appeals."

3. Appendix D, "Fire Districts."

4. Appendix F, "Rodentproofing."

5. Appendix G, "Flood-resistant Construction."

6. Appendix H, "Signs."

7. Appendix J, "Grading."

8. Appendix O, "Tsunami Loads."

Appendices not adopted and not available for municipal adoption.

The following appendices are not adopted by the State of Oregon, Building Codes Division, as part of the state building code, and a local municipality may not adopt the same as the subject matter is encompassed by this code:

1. Appendix E, "Supplementary Accessibility Requirements."

2. Appendix K, "Administrative Provisions."

3. Appendix L, "Earthquake Recording Instrumentation."

4. Appendix M, "Tsunami-generated Flood Hazard."

5. Appendix N, "Replicable Buildings."

Document History

January 1, 2019
I-Codes: ORSSC - Oregon Structural Specialty Code
The scope of this code is as provided in ORS 455.020(1). Detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories above grade plane in...
January 1, 2014
I-Codes: ORSSC - Oregon Structural Specialty Code
General. The scope of this code is as provided in ORS 455.020(1). The Oregon Structural Specialty Code as adopted by the State of Oregon, Building Codes Division, includes portions of the...

