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High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems

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Organization: ASHRAE
Publication Date: 27 January 2020
Status: active
Page Count: 6


This addendum revises the way the variable-speed series fan is controlled. Currently, the speed tracks the primary airflow. This revision maps the fan airflow set point from a minimum equal to the larger of the ventilation minimum and the primary airflow minimum up to the cooling maximum. The intent is to help ensure that the fan airflow exceeds the primary airflow so that no primary air exits the induction port into the return air plenum, recognizing that the actual fan airflow and actual primary airflow can vary from set point. Note that this will only be effective if the ventilation minimum is larger than the primary airflow minimum, as it will be if the designer is taking advantage of the indirect ventilation capability of the recirculated return air from other zones. If the ventilation minimum is the same as the primary airflow, the sequence is effectively the same as the current sequence.

Note: In this addendum, changes to the current standard are indicated in the text by underlining (for additions) and (for deletions) unless the instructions specifically mention some other means of indicating the changes.

Document History

November 9, 2023
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
August 1, 2023
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Addendum b revises the request-hours section to reduce nuisance alarms and to prevent the Cumulative%-Request-Hours from exceeding 100%. The current Request-Hours calculation causes the...
August 1, 2023
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Addendum c fixes an error in the minimum outdoor airflow set point logic for ASHRAE Standard 62.1 ventilation. There may be instances where the zone primary airflow rate (Vpz) is lower than...
December 11, 2021
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
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September 28, 2021
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
July 9, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD This addendum is to allow cooling-only terminal units to provide heating in occupied, warm-up, and setback modes if the air handling unit supply air temperature is greater than room...
July 9, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD This addendum includes the CHW plant sequences and associated logic variables and hardwired control points developed as part of ASHRAE Research Project 1711: Advanced Sequences of Operation...
July 9, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD This addendum includes control sequences for 2-pipe heating, 2-pipe cooling, and 4-pipe heating/cooling fan-coil units (FCUs). It assumes the fan is variable speed but the sequences will...
July 9, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD This addendum includes the HW plant sequences and associated logic variables and hardwired control points developed as part of ASHRAE Research Project 1711: Advanced Sequences of Operation...
March 30, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Addendum u includes edits to the automatic fault detection and diagnostics sections. AHU operating state tables and figures for return fan systems, which were previously missing, have been...
February 24, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Addendum v adds pressure zone group assignments to Section 3.1 Information Provided by the Designer. Pressure zone group assignments are added to provide direction on which relief/return...
February 24, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Addendum w resolves inconsistencies between variable names used in Section (Information Provided by Designer) and Section for Single Zone Air Handling Units. This addendum...
February 24, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Addendum t clarifies that a single building pressure loop should be used for each pressure zone. This addendum also provides direction on which building pressure sensor(s) to use as the...
February 24, 2021
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Addendum r includes the lead/lag and lead/standby equipment rotation sequences developed as part of ASHRAE Research Project 1711: Advanced Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems—Phase II...
January 1, 2021
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
This guideline provides detailed sequences of operation for HVAC systems. This guideline describes functional tests that, when performed, will confirm implementation of the sequences of operation....
January 27, 2020
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
January 27, 2020
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
January 27, 2020
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
January 27, 2020
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD This addendum revises the way the variable-speed series fan is controlled. Currently, the speed tracks the primary airflow. This revision maps the fan airflow set point from a minimum equal...
August 16, 2019
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
FOREWORD Changes in this addendum are as follows: a. Update description of the minimum heating airflow set point Vheat-min for consistency among variables (Section b. Revise damper...
August 16, 2019
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
August 16, 2019
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
August 16, 2019
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
August 16, 2019
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.
June 4, 2018
High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
A description is not available for this item.