ETSI - TS 102 250-2
Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); QoS aspects for popular services in mobile networks; Part 2: Definition of Quality of Service parameters and their computation
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 November 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 269 |
The present document defines QoS parameters and their computation for popular services in mobile networks.
The harmonized definitions given in the present document are considered as the prerequisite for the comparison of QoS measurements and their results.
It is assumed that the end user can handle his mobile terminal and the services he wants to use (operability is not evaluated).
The computation of specific QoS parameters may vary depending on the respective mobile network, e.g. GSM or 3GPP specified 3G system. In this case a respective notification is provided.
Other standardization bodies may request an approved document containing specific QoS parameters to be used as reference in their documents. Therefore, the present document may contain incomplete QoS parameter definitions, e.g. giving a description but missing technical trigger points. Such points are marked as "tbd" (to be defined) and will be updated as soon as possible.
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