DIN EN 15898
Conservation of cultural heritage - Main general terms and definitions; Trilingual version EN 15898:2019
active, Most Current
Organization: | DIN |
Publication Date: | 1 February 2020 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 62 |
ICS Code (Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports (Vocabularies)): | 01.040.97 |
ICS Code (Items of art and handicrafts. Cultural property and heritage): | 97.195 |
Document History

DIN EN 15898
February 1, 2020
Conservation of cultural heritage - Main general terms and definitions; Trilingual version EN 15898:2019
A description is not available for this item.

September 1, 2018
Conservation of cultural heritage - Main general terms and definitions; German and English version prEN 15898:2018
A description is not available for this item.

December 1, 2011
Conservation of cultural property - Main general terms and definitions
This European Standard defines the main general terms used in the field of conservation of cultural property with particular attention to those terms which have wide use or significance.