CEN/TR 17544
Automotive fuels - Report on studies done on cold soak filter blocking tendency (CS-FBT) on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) as blend component for diesel fuel, and of diesel fuel containing up to 30 % (V/V) of FAME
active, Most Current
Organization: | CEN |
Publication Date: | 1 September 2020 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 42 |
ICS Code (Liquid fuels): | 75.160.20 |
This document describes the studies executed to develop a method to analyse the filter blocking tendency after a cold soak step of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) as a blend component for diesel and of diesel fuel containing up to 30 % (V/V) of FAME, respectively.
NOTE For the purposes of this document, the term "% (V/V)" is used to represent the volume fraction, φ.
Document History
CEN/TR 17544
September 1, 2020
Automotive fuels - Report on studies done on cold soak filter blocking tendency (CS-FBT) on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) as blend component for diesel fuel, and of diesel fuel containing up to 30 % (V/V) of FAME
This document describes the studies executed to develop a method to analyse the filter blocking tendency after a cold soak step of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) as a blend component for diesel and...