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CEN - PREN 17632

Building Information Modelling (BIM) - Semantic Modelling and Linking (SML)

pending, Most Current
Organization: CEN
Publication Date: 1 March 2021
Status: pending
Page Count: 157
ICS Code (IT applications in building and construction industry): 35.240.67

This document discusses an integrated and unified approach for data aspects, specifically for assets in the built environment, using EIF terminology.

This document specifies:

• a generic Top Level "M1: Data model" as common form;

• a conceptual "L1: Data language" as common meta-model with four 'linked data'-based concrete language bindings (SKOS, RDFS, OWL and SHACL), including:

• a choice of RDF-based formats (to be used for all modelling and language levels);

• a set of data modelling patterns (for identification, naming, handling of enumeration types, quantity modelling, asset decomposition, grouping, etc.).

• a linking approach for interlinking data sets, interlinking data models and linking data sets and data models which are relevant within the built environment from many perspectives such as:

• Building information modelling (BIM);

• Geo-spatial information systems (GIS);

• Systems engineering (SE) 2);

• Monitoring & control (M&C);

• Electronic document management (EDM).

This document does not specify a knowledge model since this is already available in ISO 12006-3.

This document does not specify a meta-'data language' since this is already provided by the concrete RDF language bindings (being RDFS).

The scope of this document in general excludes the following:

• Business process modelling;

• Software implementation aspects;

• Data packaging and transportation/transaction aspects (handled by ISO TC59/SC13 Information container for document delivery (ICDD) respectively various information delivery manual (IDM) / information exchange requirements (EIR)-related initiatives);

• Domain-specific (here: built environment-specific) content modelling in the form of concepts, attributes and relations at end-user level (the actual ontologies themselves) beyond a generic upper ontology and modelling patterns.

2) The interdisciplinary approach governing the total technical and managerial effort required to transform a set of stakeholder needs, expectations, and constraints into a solution and to support that solution throughout its life [SOURCE: ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017(en), 3.1.65].

Document History

PREN 17632
March 1, 2021
Building Information Modelling (BIM) - Semantic Modelling and Linking (SML)
This document discusses an integrated and unified approach for data aspects, specifically for assets in the built environment, using EIF terminology. This document specifies: • a generic Top Level...

