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ICAO - 9303 PART 4

Machine Readable Travel Documents - Part 4: Specifications for Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) and other TD3 Size MRTDs

active, Most Current
Organization: ICAO
Publication Date: 1 January 2021
Status: active
Page Count: 40

Doc 9303, Part 4 defines specifications that are specific to TD3 size Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) and other TD3 size Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs). For brevity the term MRP has been used throughout this document and, except where stated, all the specifications herein shall apply equally to all other TD3 size MRTDs. This document shall be read in conjunction with:

• Part 1 - Introduction;

• Part 2 - Specifications for the Security of the Design, Manufacture and Issuance of MRTDs;

• Part 3 - Specifications Common to all MRTDs.

Together these specifications provide for global data interchange of MRTDs both by visual (eye readable) and machine readable (optical character recognition) means.

Additional specifications providing for global data interchange of electronic data in eMRPs and eMROTDs can be found in Doc 9303, Parts 9 through 12.

Document History

9303 PART 4
January 1, 2021
Machine Readable Travel Documents - Part 4: Specifications for Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) and other TD3 Size MRTDs
Doc 9303, Part 4 defines specifications that are specific to TD3 size Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) and other TD3 size Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs). For brevity the term MRP has been...
January 1, 2015
Machine Readable Travel Documents - Part 4: Specifications for Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) and other TD3 Size MRTDs
The Seventh Edition of Doc 9303 represents a restructuring of the ICAO specifications for Machine Readable Travel Documents. Without incorporating substantial modifications to the specifications, in...
January 1, 2015
Machine Readable Travel Documents - Part 4: Specifications for Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) and other TD3 Size MRTDs
The Seventh Edition of Doc 9303 represents a restructuring of the ICAO specifications for Machine Readable Travel Documents. Without incorporating substantial modifications to the specifications, in...
January 1, 1996
Machine Readable Travel Documents Part 4 Machine Readable Crew Member Certificate First Edition - 1996
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