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ISO - 16559

Solid biofuels — Vocabulary

active, Most Current
Organization: ISO
Publication Date: 1 January 2022
Status: active
Page Count: 36
ICS Code (Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies)): 01.040.75
ICS Code (Biological sources and alternative sources of energy): 27.190
ICS Code (Biofuels): 75.160.40

This document establishes a vocabulary for solid biofuels. This document only includes raw and processed material originating from

- forestry and arboriculture,

- agriculture and horticulture, and

- aquaculture.

NOTE 1 Chemically treated material cannot include halogenated organic compounds or heavy metals at levels higher than those in typical virgin material values (see also ISO 17225-1:2021, Annex B) or higher than typical values of the country of origin.

NOTE 2 Raw and processed material includes woody, herbaceous, fruit and aquatic biomass and biodegradable waste originating from above sectors.

Materials originating from different recycling processes of end-of-life-products are outside the scope of this document but relevant terms are included for information. Liquid biofuels (ISO/TC 28/SC 7), natural gas (ISO/TC 193) and solid recovered fuels (ISO/TC 300) are outside the scope of this document.

Document History

January 1, 2022
Solid biofuels — Vocabulary
This document establishes a vocabulary for solid biofuels. This document only includes raw and processed material originating from — forestry and arboriculture, — agriculture and horticulture, and...
July 15, 2014
Solid biofuels - Terminology, definitions and descriptions
This international standard determines the terminology and definitions for solid biofuels. According to the scope of the ISO/TC 238 this standard only includes raw and processed material originating...

