ETSI - TS 132 372
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Telecommunication management; Security services for Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS)
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 April 2022 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 17 |
The purpose of the present document is to specify the necessary security features, services and functions to protect the network management data, including Requests, Responses, Notifications and Files, exchanged across the Itf-N.
The present document specifies the Security Service for IRP Information Service.
This Security Service for IRP IS defines the semantics of management information visible across the Itf-N in a protocol and technology neutral way. It does not define the syntax or encoding of the operations and their parameters.
This Information Service specification is related to 3GPP TS 32.371 [6].