NR/L2/CIV/1000/01 ISSUE 1
Competence Management for Drainage and Lineside
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 3 September 2022 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 16 |
This module has been created to support the professional development of all roles involved in Drainage and Lineside and contains the accountable Buildings and Civils frameworks which include the drainage and lineside professional frameworks and the lineside management framework.
Lineside management framework
The lineside management framework contains competencies for individuals operating chainsaws and equipment for accessing and working on vegetation and trees.
The framework is accessed through the skills category within the learning management catalogue in Oracle (e-business system).
The index of chainsaw competencies and equipment is described in NR/L2/CTM/0220, Competence & Training in Portable, Transportable and Mobile Plant (PTMP) Operation & Activities should be used for lineside management competencies.
Drainage professional framework
The drainage professional framework contains competencies for individuals undertaking activities where engineering theory, judgement, and assessment are applied to drainage whole life cycle activities and deliverables.
The drainage professional competencies can also be used for the provision of pre and post-learning for those required to gain, maintain and develop upon occupational competences.
The drainage professional framework is accessed through the drainage competence category in Oracle (e-business system).
Lineside professional framework
The lineside professional framework contains competencies for individuals undertaking activities where engineering theory, judgement, and assessment are applied to produce asset management deliverables for vegetation, trees, boundary measures, access facilities and pathways.
The lineside professional competencies can also be used for the provision of pre and post-learning for those required to gain, maintain and develop upon occupational competences.
The lineside professional framework is accessed through the lineside professional competence category in Oracle (e-business system).
Out of scope
Other professional and occupational competences applicable to drainage and lineside roles are contained within other frameworks and include the following:
• Civils design engineering;
• civils project engineering;
• construction management;
• track safety;
• operating portable, transportable and mobile tools;
• operating and controlling on track and Drainage and Lineside plant including crane operations;
• personal and environmental protection including working with pesticides and other substances hazardous to health; manual handling; fire safety; working in confined spaces; working at height and working near water; working in the vicinity to utility services over ground and underground; working in the vicinity of electric cables;
• asset management including risk management; and
• leadership competence framework.
This module contains the competence and assessment requirements for Drainage and Lineside. The following steps are described:
a) The process of Drainage and Lineside competence management;
b) the competence types and assessment methods; and
c) the life cycle of Drainage and Lineside competences.
The provision and management of an active competence and assessment framework achieves the following:
• Defines the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the roles that engage across the Drainage and Lineside life cycle activities: inspection, maintenance, evaluation, design and construction, assurance and management.
• supports safe, efficient and quality delivery and outputs from the life cycle activities.
• defines competences and capabilities to support the development of the workforce;
• provides pathway for succession planning and future career progression;
• progression pathways tracked by competence, academic qualifications, professional qualifications across various parts of the business; and
• supports decisions in minimising the impacts of safety, performance, reputational and environmental risk.
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