NFPA - 120
Standard for Fire Prevention and Control in Coal Mines
Organization: | NFPA |
Publication Date: | 1 January 2023 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 70 |
This standard shall cover minimum requirements for reducing loss of life and property from fire and explosion in the following:
(1) Underground bituminous coal mines
(2) Coal preparation plants designed to prepare coal for shipment
(3) Surface building and facilities associated with coal mining and preparation
(4) Surface coal and lignite mines
This standard shall not apply to the following:
(1) Ignitible (flammable and combustible) liquids produced in underground coal mines
(2) Other equipment and processes, such as coal pulverizers, used to condition coal for firing in boilers at power-generating plants or gasification plants or for utilization in certain special processes
NOTICE: An asterisk (*) following the number or letter designating a paragraph indicates that explanatory material on the paragraph can be found in Annex A.
A reference in brackets [ ] following a section or paragraph indicates material that has been extracted from another NFPA document. Extracted text may be edited for consistency and style and may include the revision of internal paragraph references and other references as appropriate. Requests for interpretations or revisions of extracted text shall be sent to the technical committee responsible for the source document.
Information on referenced and extracted publications can be found in Chapter 2 and Annex B.