NEN-EN 17339
Transportable gas cylinders - Fully wrapped carbon composite cylinders and tubes for hydrogen
Organization: | NEN |
Publication Date: | 1 August 2023 |
Status: | pending |
Page Count: | 52 |
ICS Code (Gas cylinders): | 23.020.35 |
This document specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design, construction, prototype testing and routine manufacturing inspections of composite gas cylinders and tubes for compressed hydrogen.
NOTE 1 Unless specified in the text, for the purposes of this document, the word "cylinder" includes tubes.
This document applies to:
- fully wrapped composite cylinders (Type 3 and Type 4);
- hoop wrapped cylinders (Type 2);
with carbon fibres intended to be permanently mounted in a frame (e.g. bundle or trailer) with a test pressure of not less than 300 bar, with:
- non-metallic liners (Type 4) or seamless metallic liners (for Type 2 and Type 3);
- a maximum water capacity of 3 000 l;
- a maximum working pressure of 1 000 bar;
- the product of working pressure times water capacity (p × V) not exceeding 1 000 000 bar.l.
NOTE 2 A glass fibre protective layer is sometimes applied to the external surface of the cylinder.