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ISO - 10555-1

Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 1: General requirements

active, Most Current
Organization: ISO
Publication Date: 1 November 2023
Status: active
Page Count: 50
ICS Code (Syringes, needles and catheters): 11.040.25

This document specifies general requirements for intravascular catheters, supplied sterile and intended for single use, for any application.

This document does not apply to intravascular catheter accessories, e.g. those covered by ISO 11070.

Document History

November 1, 2023
Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 1: General requirements
This document specifies general requirements for intravascular catheters, supplied sterile and intended for single use, for any application. This document does not apply to intravascular catheter...
November 1, 2017
Intravascular catheters - Sterile and single-use catheters - Part 1: General requirements AMENDMENT 1
A description is not available for this item.
June 15, 2013
Intravascular catheters - Sterile and single-use catheters - Part 1: General requirements
This part of ISO 1055 specifies general requirements for intravascular catheters, supplied in the sterile condition and intended for single use, for any application. It is not applicable to...
June 15, 2013
Intravascular catheters - Sterile and single-use catheters - Part 1: General requirements
This part of ISO 1055 specifies general require3ments for intravascular catheters, supplied in the sterile condition and intended for single use, for any application. It is not applicable to...
May 15, 2004
Sterile, Single-Use Intravascular Catheters - Part 1: General Requirements
This part of IS0 10555 specifies general requirements for intravascular catheters, supplied in the sterile condition and intended for single use, for any application. It does not apply to...
July 15, 1999
Sterile, Single-Use Intravascular Catheters - Part 1: General Requirements
Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is...
June 15, 1995
Sterile, Single-Use Intravascular Catheters - Part 1: General Requirements
This part of ISO 10555 specifies general requirements for intravascular catheters, supplied in the sterile condition and intended for Single use, for any application. lt does not apply to...

