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BSI - PREN 50412-4

Power line communication apparatus and systems used in low-voltage installations in the frequency range 1,6 MHz to 30 MHz - Part 4: Low rate wide band services (LRWBS) operating between 2 MHz and 4 MHz - Channel allocations

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Organization: BSI
Publication Date: 1 March 2012
Status: active
Page Count: 16
ICS Code (Immunity): 33.100.20

Scope and object

This European Standard applies to electrical equipment using signals in the [2-4 MHz] frequency range to transmit information on low voltage electrical systems/networks within installations in consumers' premises for residential, commercial and light industrial environments.

The purpose of this European Standard is to describe a mechanism to limit mutual interferences between equipments operating in the [2-4 MHz] frequency band and to specify the way systems share the same band.

It does not specify the signal modulation methods nor the coding methods or functional features (except those preventing mutual interference in the same band).

Applications complying with this coexistence standard may offer low rate (lower than 1 Mb/s) services in home and building automation, street lighting control.

This European Standard covers typical applications such as energy efficiency, real-time displays of metering information, general command and control, home automation.

This European Standard does not cover high rate communication (higher than 1 Mb/s) applications such as Video or Internet networking.

This European Standard does not cover Output Voltage Levels.

Document History

PREN 50412-4
March 1, 2012
Power line communication apparatus and systems used in low-voltage installations in the frequency range 1,6 MHz to 30 MHz - Part 4: Low rate wide band services (LRWBS) operating between 2 MHz and 4 MHz - Channel allocations
Scope and object This European Standard applies to electrical equipment using signals in the [2-4 MHz] frequency range to transmit information on low voltage electrical systems/networks within...

