ETSI - TR 102 477
Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Mobility for Enterprise Communications
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 June 2012 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 34 |
Mobility for enterprise communications is the ability for persons and objects, e.g. vehicles, sensors and other machines, belonging to the enterprise to use communication and information services regardless of changes in their physical location. This includes also the ability to be reached by other persons or objects for communications.
The present document encompasses the mobility of enterprise users connecting to enterprise and public IP networks using wired and wireless terminals for voice, data and converged services. It defines terms for different types of mobility, describes basic functionality in support of mobility, and lists common deployment scenarios. For each scenario the report identifies functional requirements and standardization gaps with the main focus on the management of mobility, identity, terminals and reachability. However, it does not provide technical solutions but lays the foundations for triggering standardization projects in areas where gaps have been identified.
More general aspects of enterprise communications based on Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) and interconnection with Next Generation Networks (NGN) are covered by the companion series of ECMA Technical Reports on NGCN [i.1], [i.2], [i.3] and [i.4].
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