NAVY - UFGS-03 31 29
Organization: | NAVY |
Publication Date: | 1 August 2012 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 67 |
This guide specification covers the requirements for reinforced concrete exposed to marine and chloride environments for projects with a defined service life. This approach mandates that the owner define the service life expectations of the structure (in years) prior to design. This document is a combination of prescriptive and performance based specifications. It contains specific requirements for quality control (actions taken by the contractor) and quality assurance (actions that may be taken by the owner). The performance based portion of this document includes requirements to predict the service life of the candidate concrete mixtures prior to proceeding with construction. During construction, concrete cylinders are made from the production concrete at intervals specified by the engineer of record to measure transport properties and for microscopic examination of the hardened concrete to verify that the concrete quality remains consistent and acceptable. Conventional requirements for compressive strength and slump remain the same. Service life modeling software is a tool that, when used in combination with other tools and good engineering judgment, enhances the Contractor's and Owner's confidence that the completed structure will perform for the defined service life. The only acceptable service life modeling tool is STADIUM®. STADIUM® is proprietary and a justification and approval (J&A) is required. A class J&A for other than full and open competition is on file at NAVFAC Headquarters, which allows for the use of this propriety software to predict the potential for the concrete mixture to deliver the service life if the Contractor properly executes placement and curing. TR-NAVFAC ESC-CI-1215, the "Navy User's Guide to Quality Assurance of New Concrete Construction" provides a commentary for the user of this methodology. Generally, this version of the marine concrete UFGS is for major projects. For smaller marine concrete projects and for projects without a defined service life an alternate version of this UFGS is available that excludes service life modeling requirements and testing for transport properties during construction.