ISO DRG directives - DRG working instructions and directives
Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 1 May 2009 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 69 |
These DRG working instructions and directives are in conformity with decisions taken by the members of the ITSIG GRAPH group for the preparation and processing of graphics in the ISO system. The rules provided are in conformity with the standards developed by ISO/TC 10 and ISO/TC 213. The instructions will be updated when necessary for conformity with any relevant changes in the ISO/TC 10 and ISO/TC 213 standards and the ITSIG GRAPH decisions.
Certain features covered in this document do not exist in the off-the-shelf version of AutoCAD but only in the customized version developed in collaboration with ITSIG GRAPH. The ISO Central Secretariat (ISO/CS) would be happy to provide details concerning these customized features on request.
For all questions concerning the processing of graphics, please contact