IEC 60469
Transitions, pulses and related waveforms – Terms, definitions and algorithms
Organization: | IEC |
Publication Date: | 1 April 2013 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 136 |
ICS Code (Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies)): | 01.040.17 |
ICS Code (Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities): | 17.220.20 |
This International Standard provides definitions of terms pertaining to transitions, pulses, and related waveforms and provides definitions and descriptions of techniques and procedures for measuring their parameters. The waveforms considered in this standard are those that make a number of transitions and that remain relatively constant in the time intervals between transitions. Signals and their waveforms for which this standard apply include but are not limited to those used in: digital communications, data communications, and computing; studies of transient biological, cosmological, and physical events; and electrical, chemical, and thermal pulses encountered and used in a variety of industrial, commercial, and consumer applications.
This standard does not apply to sinusoidally-varying
The object of this standard is to facilitate accurate and precise communication concerning parameters of transitions, pulses, and related waveforms and the techniques and procedures for measuring them.