CEI EN 50553
Railway applications - Requirements for running capability in case of fire on board of rolling stock
Organization: | CEI |
Publication Date: | 1 May 2013 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 76 |
ICS Code (Railway rolling stock in general): | 45.060.01 |
ICS Code (Fire-resistance of building materials and elements): | 13.220.50 |
This European Standard defines requirements for running capability under fire conditions which are applicable to passenger carrying railway rolling stock.
In particular, technical measures are specified, compliance with which will contribute to conformity with the Directive and the relevant Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI).
The standard specifies the fire conditions:
- for which it is not necessary to define running capability requirements as there is no significant potential for serious injury or threat to life;
- for which it is reasonable to expect trains to continue to run in a controlled manner;
- for which it is not reasonably practicable to define requirements which give complete assurance of running in a controlled manner, due to the exceptional nature of the fire incident.
The TSI SRT defines running capability requirements in respect of fires within technical areas/equipment only. However for general guidance the scope of this standard is extended to include fires from non-technical causes within passenger/staff areas which may impact train system functions adjacent to and/or passing through the affected area. This extension of applicability significantly increases the number of system functions which are potentially at risk and therefore requires that the "reasonably practicable" principles be extended to this new condition.
The standard does not consider situations where a primary non-fire incident is likely to immobilise the train by definition; for example major mechanical defect leading to derailment, even when fire then occurs.