DS/CEN ISO/TR 24014-2
Public transport - Interoperable fare management system - Part 2: Business practices
Organization: | DS |
Publication Date: | 4 September 2013 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 38 |
ICS Code (Transport in general): | 03.220.01 |
ICS Code (IT applications in transport): | 35.240.60 |
This Technical Report (TR) introduces a generic conceptual framework that can be applied to all Interoperable Fare Management System (hereafter IFMS) compliant with ISO24014-1, as the basis for business practices relating to the conceptual framework for an IFMS, which is described in ISO 24014-1. This generic conceptual framework is comprised of three parts: 1. Structure of Set of Rules 2. Collaboration of functional models; and 3. Integration of Set of Rules. ISO24014-2 is used as a tool for business practices. Any organizational references and concrete descriptions in examples within this part of ISO 24014 are purely informative.