ETSI - TS 103 060
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Method for a harmonized definition of Duty Cycle Template (DCT) transmission as a passive mitigation technique used by sort range devices and related conformance test methods
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 September 2013 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 24 |
The present document provides a definition of Duty Cycle Template (DCT) to be used as a frequency and application independent passive mitigation technique, and associated conformance measurement methods.
DCT consists of an active transmission interval followed by an inactive idle interval. The combination of these two provides the basis of the mitigation technique to share spectrum.
Duty Cycle (DC) is a signal property that is the time spent in an active state as a fraction of the total time under consideration. DCT differs from DC by generalizing the definition of a transmission to include operation over a defined observation bandwidth and defined observation time, as they affect the systems under consideration and harmonizing Ultra Wideband and non-Ultra Wideband systems treatment.
As a result, the DCT requirement should define limits on individual transmission parameters in such a way as to avoid harmful interference to victim system receivers even if they are simultaneously operated in close physical proximity and in the same radio spectrum bandwidth at the same time.