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ISO TS 18234-9

Intelligent transport systems - Traffic and travel information via transport protocol experts group, generation 1 (TPEG1) binary data format - Part 9: Traffic event compact (TPEG1-TEC)

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Organization: ISO
Publication Date: 15 October 2013
Status: active
Page Count: 104
ICS Code (Transport in general): 03.220.01
ICS Code (IT applications in transport): 35.240.60

This Technical Specification defines the TPEG application Traffic Event Compact (TEC). It has been specifically designed to support information about traffic events, e.g. road works, traffic jams. A specific form of traffic event are local hazard warnings, which as safety-related messages, are sent with high priority to assist a driver in encountering dangerous situations (e.g. black-ice, accident behind curves, obstacles on road) unexpectedly.

Generally, TEC focuses on the following requirements:

- ensuring travel safety for the driver;

- enabling the calculation of alternative routes;

- avoiding delays (e.g. traffic jams);

- warning the driver of obstructions on route;

- informing the driver of infrastructural problems (e.g. closed petrol stations, non-functioning emergency phones).

Document History

ISO TS 18234-9
October 15, 2013
Intelligent transport systems - Traffic and travel information via transport protocol experts group, generation 1 (TPEG1) binary data format - Part 9: Traffic event compact (TPEG1-TEC)
This Technical Specification defines the TPEG application Traffic Event Compact (TEC). It has been specifically designed to support information about traffic events, e.g. road works, traffic jams. A...

