IEC 60050-651
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Part 651: Live working
Organization: | IEC |
Publication Date: | 1 April 2014 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 102 |
ICS Code (Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)): | 01.040.29 |
ICS Code (Protection against electric shock. Live working): | 13.260 |
ICS Code (Electrical engineering in general): | 29.020 |
This part of IEC 60050 defines terms specifically relevant to live working. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108, Guidelines for ensuring the coherency of IEC publications - Application of horizontal standards.
The aim of this IEV part is to provide precise, brief and correct definitions of internationally accepted concepts in the field of live working, and to name the terms by which these defined concepts shall be known.
NOTE Complementary terms and definitions of tools, devices and equipment for live working are provided in IEC 60743, Live working - Terminology for tools, devices and equipment.
This terminology is consistent with the terminology developed in the other specialized parts of the IEV.
This horizontal standard is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 108.
One of the responsibilities of a technical committee is, wherever applicable, to make use of horizontal standards in the preparation of its publications. The content of this horizontal standard will not apply unless specifically referred to or included in the relevant publications.