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ETSI - TS 187 021

Security services and mechanisms for customer premises networks connected to NGN

active, Most Current
Organization: ETSI
Publication Date: 1 April 2014
Status: active
Page Count: 48

The present document specifies the functional models and information flows (stage 2) and protocols (stage 3) which implement the security services and mechanisms required to provide security in a Customer Premises Network (CPN) to support the overall security architecture for NGN release 3. CPN security services and mechanisms are used either singly or in combination to realize the CPN security requirements specified in TS 187 001 [1] (NGN Security requirements). Reference will be made to TR 185 012 [i.1] for security mechanisms that have been shown to be appropriate for CPN environment.

Document History

TS 187 021
April 1, 2014
Security services and mechanisms for customer premises networks connected to NGN
The present document specifies the functional models and information flows (stage 2) and protocols (stage 3) which implement the security services and mechanisms required to provide security in a...
September 1, 2011
Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Security services and mechanisms for customer premises networks connected to TISPAN NGN
The present document specifies the functional models and information flows (stage 2) and protocols (stage 3) which implement the security services and mechanisms required to provide security in a...

