LUL - 5-539
Verification of Assurance
Organization: | LUL |
Publication Date: | 1 September 2010 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 12 |
This Standard applies to all LU directorates for all changes, projects or contracts for service delivered by LU, a Supplier, or under an agreement between LU and a Supplier or Third Party, on or about LU's infrastructure, premises, or affecting LU. This shall include any enabling works, temporary works or temporary measures to facilitate delivery.
For changes which put into service new or altered vehicles or infrastructure which:
a) incorporates significant changes in its design and construction compared to the vehicles or infrastructure in use on LU (the "difference" test);
b) would be capable of significantly increasing existing risk, or creating a significant safety risk to passengers or members of the public (the "risk" test).
LU Category 5 Standard 5-540 shall be applied in addition to the requirements of this standard.
This standard describes LU's requirements for:
a) LU's response to Supplier and Third Party assurance proposals;
b) Determining LU verification activities;
c) Approval of Verification Activity Plans (VAPs);
d) Implementing verification activity.
This standard also describes LU directorate accountabilities for accepting assurance.
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