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ARMY - EM 1110-2-2610

Mechanical and Electrical Design for Lock and Dam Operating Equipment

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Organization: ARMY
Publication Date: 30 June 2013
Status: active
Page Count: 652

Purpose. This manual provides guidance for the mechanical and electrical design of navigation lock and dam operating equipment and control systems for both new construction and the rehabilitation of existing projects. In some cases, information is provided on equipment that is rarely used for new installations. Such information is given not to advocate the replacement of serviceable equipment, especially where not economically or functionally justified, but to provide information to help facilitate rehabilitation, to lend historical perspective, or to give some insight into innovations in lock machinery design in other countries. Chapters are included to provide information on mechanical components, hydraulic drives, miter gate operating machinery, sector gate operating machinery, filling and emptying valves and machinery, vertical lift gate operating machinery, and dam gate operating machinery. Chapter 8 provides guidance on some gates less commonly used in the United States, including barge gates and pocket gates or rolling gates. Chapter 10 provides guidance on systems ancillary to the lock gate operating machinery. Electrical chapters supply guidance on power distribution, equipment and machinery controls, and electrical support systems. Operation, maintenance and inspection information as it relates to equipment design and layout, is provided in Chapter 14.

Applicability. This manual applies to all HQUSACE elements, major subordinate commands, districts, laboratories, and field operating activities having responsibilities for the design and construction of civil works projects.

Document History

EM 1110-2-2610
June 30, 2013
Mechanical and Electrical Design for Lock and Dam Operating Equipment
Purpose. This manual provides guidance for the mechanical and electrical design of navigation lock and dam operating equipment and control systems for both new construction and the rehabilitation of...

