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IEC 60034-1

Rotating electrical machines Part 1: Rating and performance

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Organization: IEC
Publication Date: 1 April 2004
Status: inactive
Page Count: 146
ICS Code (Rotating machinery): 29.160

This part of IEC 60034 is applicable to all rotating electrical machines except those covered by other IEC standards, for example, IEC 60349.

Machines within the scope of this standard may also be subject to superseding, modifying or additional requirements in other publications, for example, IEC 60079, and IEC 60092.

NOTE If particular clauses of this standard are modified to meet special applications, for example machines subject to radioactivity or machines for aerospace, all other clauses apply insofar as they are compatible.

Document History

February 1, 2022
Rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and performance
This part of IEC 60034 is applicable to all rotating electrical machines, except rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles, which are covered by the IEC 60349 series of standards....
May 1, 2017
Rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and performance
This part of IEC 60034 is applicable to all rotating electrical machines except those covered by other IEC standards, for example, IEC 60349. Machines within the scope of this document may also be...
February 1, 2010
Rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and performance
This part of IEC 60034 is applicable to all rotating electrical machines except those covered by other IEC standards, for example, IEC 60349 [10]1). Machines within the scope of this standard may...
IEC 60034-1
April 1, 2004
Rotating electrical machines Part 1: Rating and performance
This part of IEC 60034 is applicable to all rotating electrical machines except those covered by other IEC standards, for example, IEC 60349. Machines within the scope of this standard may also be...
August 1, 1999
Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1: Rating and Performance
A description is not available for this item.
November 1, 1996
Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1: Rating and Performance
A description is not available for this item.
April 1, 1996
Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1: Rating and Performance
A description is not available for this item.
March 1, 1994
Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1: Rating and Performance
This part of International Standard IEC 34 is applicable to all rotating machines except those covered by other IEC standards for example, IEC 349 Machines within the scope of this standard may also...
January 1, 1983
Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance
This standard is applicable to all rotating machines except those covered by other IEC standards - for example, IEC Publication 349 Rules for Rotating Electrical machines for Rail and Road Vehicles...
November 1, 1981
Rotating electrical machines Part 1: Rating and performance
A description is not available for this item.
January 1, 1969
Rotating electrical machines Part 1 Rating and performance
This standard applies to all rotating machines except those covered by other IEC standards-for example, IEC Publication 349 Rules for Rotating Electrical Machines for Rail and Road Vehicles Machines...
February 1, 1962
Recommendations for rotating electrical machinery (excluding machines for traction purposes)
A description is not available for this item.
January 1, 1960
Recommendations for rotating electrical machinery (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
These recommendations apply to rotating machines, without limitation of output or voltage, with the exception of machines for traction vehicles, which are covered by IEC Publications 48, 101, and 102

