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ETSI - TS 102 822-3-2

Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select, and rightful use of content on personal storage systems ("TV-Anytime Phase 1"); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: System aspects in a uni-directional environment

Organization: ETSI
Publication Date: 1 October 2003
Status: inactive
Page Count: 64

The present document is the fourth in a series of Technical Specification documents produced by the TV-Anytime Forum. These documents establish the fundamental specifications for the services, systems and devices that will conform to the TV-Anytime standard, to a level of detail that is implementable for compliant products and services.

As is common practice in such standardization efforts, these specification documents were preceded by requirements documents which define the requirements for the TV-Anytime services, systems, and devices.

Congruent with the structure defined in the initial TV-Anytime Call for Contributions (TV014r3), these specifications are parsed into three major areas: Metadata, Content Referencing and Rights Management and Protection. Within these general areas, specifications have been developed to date for: Metadata Content Referencing Bi-directional Metadata and Metadata Protection . A specification for Rights Management and Protection is still under development. See the several TV-Anytime Calls for Contributions for more detail on the derivation and background of these categories and their respective roles in the TV-Anytime standardization process.

The other two documents released to date in this series of Technical Specifications are intended to define the context and system architecture in which the standards in the Metadata, Content referencing, Bi-directional metadata, and Metadata protection are to be implemented in "Phase 1" (TVA-1) of the TV-Anytime environment. The first document in the series provides benchmark business models against which the TV-Anytime system architecture is evaluated to ensure that the specification enable key business applications. The next document in the series presents the TV-Anytime System Architecture. These two documents are placed ahead of the others for their obvious introductory value. Note that these first two documents are largely informative, while the remainder of the series is normative. Also note that a "Phase 2" of the TV-Anytime process is currently underway, in which additional requirements and specifications that will build on Phase 1 are being developed. Readers are encouraged to check the TV-Anytime Forum's website at www.TV-Anytime.org for the most recent status of its specifications.

Although each in the series of documents is intended to stand alone, a complete and coherent sense of the TV-Anytime system standard can be gathered by reading all of the Phase 1 specification documents in numerical order.

The following diagram depicts the combined scope of the TV-Anytime Specification on Metadata TS 102 822-3-1 [14] "Metadata Description Definitions", and the present document "System Aspects in a Unidirectional Environment".

TS 102 822-3-1 [14] addresses the description language, structure and semantics of TV-Anytime metadata descriptions. The present document introduces new technologies used to process these descriptions for the purpose of transmission in a unidirectional environment.

The actual format and semantics of the delivery layer are specific to the particular uni-directional environment in which TV-Anytime is deployed. However, in order for the encoding and encapsulation mechanisms to operate as intended the delivery layer must meet certain requirements. These requirements are defined in the TS 102 822-2 [13].

Document History

July 1, 2010
Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select, and rightful use of content on personal storage systems ("TV-Anytime"); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: System aspects in a uni-directional environment
The present document is one in a series of Technical Specification documents produced by the TV-Anytime Forum. These documents establish the fundamental specifications for the services, systems and...
May 1, 2009
Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select, and rightful use of content on personal storage systems ("TV-Anytime"); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: System aspects in a uni-directional environment
The present document is one in a series of Technical Specification documents produced by the TV-Anytime Forum. These documents establish the fundamental specifications for the services, systems and...
November 1, 2007
Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select, and rightful use of content on personal storage systems ("TV-Anytime"); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: System aspects in a uni-directional environment
The present document is one in a series of Technical Specification documents produced by the TV-Anytime Forum. These documents establish the fundamental specifications for the services, systems and...
January 1, 2006
Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select, and rightful use of content on personal storage systems ("TV-Anytime"); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: System aspects in a uni-directional environment
The present document is one in a series of Technical Specification documents produced by the TV-Anytime Forum. These documents establish the fundamental specifications for the services, systems and...
September 1, 2004
Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select, and rightful use of content on personal storage systems ("TV-Anytime Phase 1"); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: System aspects in a uni-directional environment
The present document is the third in a series of Technical Specification documents produced by the TV-Anytime Forum. These documents establish the fundamental specifications for the services, systems...
TS 102 822-3-2
October 1, 2003
Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select, and rightful use of content on personal storage systems ("TV-Anytime Phase 1"); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: System aspects in a uni-directional environment
The present document is the fourth in a series of Technical Specification documents produced by the TV-Anytime Forum. These documents establish the fundamental specifications for the services,...

