All connectors and contacts covered by this specification are
intended for use in airborne, ground support, and shipboard
electrical and electronic equipment where presence of residual
magnetism must be held to very low levels to avoid interference
with nearby sensitive instrumentation. The connectors and contacts
covered by this specification are military unique because they must
be able to operate at high altitude (70,000 feet (21.34 km)
maximum), operate at a temperature range of -55(C to +125qC,
withstand 48 hours of salt spray (without exposure of base metals,
pitting and porosity of finishes), and 100 g's of shock with no
electrical discontinuities. Commercial electronic connectors and
contacts are not designed to withstand such extreme and sudden
environmental conditions and would experience catastrophic
a. Class G connectors are intended for use in non-environment
resisting applications where the operating temperature range of
-55qC to +125qC is experienced. Crimp contact connectors have the
additional advantage of possessing rear removable crimp type
b. Class P connectors are intended for environmental resisting
applications where sealing around wires is accomplished by
c. Class E connectors are intended for environmental resisting
applications. Provisions are made for sealing around wire at rear
of connectors. Crimp contact connectors have the advantage of
possessing rear release crimp type contacts.
d. Class S connectors are supplied with nonremovable solder post
termination's. This connector is intended for use with flexible
printed circuits conforming to the pin pattern and thread inserts
are provided for securing printed circuit to rear of connector.
e. Class SE connectors are supplied with nonremovable solder
post termination and interfacial seal. They are for use with the
same circuitry as the class S connectors.
f. All classes of connectors are for use in applications wherein
presence of residual magnetism must be held to very low levels to
avoid interference with nearby sensitive instrumentation.
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