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ASTM International - ASTM E1272-02(2012)

Standard Specification for Laboratory Glass Graduated Cylinders

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Organization: ASTM International
Publication Date: 1 November 2012
Status: inactive
Page Count: 2
ICS Code (Laboratory ware and related apparatus): 71.040.20

1.1 This specification covers requirements for glass graduated cylinders for precision and general purpose grades suitable for laboratory purposes.

1.1.1 Class A-Each cylinder of precision grade shall be marked with the letter "A" to signify compliance with applicable construction and accuracy requirements. Cylinders may be marked with an identification number (serial number) at the option of the manufacturer.

1.1.2 Class B-General purpose cylinders are of the same basic design as Class A cylinders. However, volumetric tolerances for Class B cylinders shall be within twice the specified range allowed for Class A cylinders. These cylinders need not be marked with their class designation.

1.1.3 Product with a stated capacity not listed in this standard may be specified in class A tolerance when product conforms to the tolerance range of the next smaller volumetric standard product listed in Table 1.

TABLE 1 Dimensions and Tolerances

Capacity, mL Main Graduations, Intermediate Least


Distance From Scale to Top, mm Minimum
Wall Thick-
ness, mm
Standard Taper () Stopper Number


Tolerances to Contain or to Deliver ± mL
max min


Class A Class B
   5   1.0   0.5  0.1  50 20 0.9  11.2  9  0.05  0.10
  10   1.0   0.5  0.1  60 20 1.0  15.2  9  0.10  0.20
  10   1.0 ...  0.2  60 20 1.0  15.2 13  0.10  0.20
  25   2.0   1.0  0.2  80 20 1.1  18.5 13  0.17  0.34
  25   5.0   1.0  0.5  60 20 1.1  19.3 13  0.17  0.34


5.0 or 10.0   5.0  1.0  80 20 1.2  23 16  0.25  0.50
 100  10.0   5.0  1.0  80 20 1.3  29.6 16 or 22  0.50  1.00
 250  20.0  10.0  2.0 100 30 1.5  42.4 22 or 27  1.00  2.00
 500  50.0  25.0  5.0 100 35 1.6  50.8 27 or 32  2.00  4.00
1000 100.0  50.0 10.0 110 45 2.0  63 32  3.00  6.00
2000 200.0 100.0 20.0 125 50 2.0  82.1 38  6.00 12.00
4000 500.0 250.0 50.0 130 50 2.2 110 ... 14.50 29.00

A Lines below the first numbered line may be omitted.B Applies to Style II only.C For Style II, measurement is to bottom of stopper.D Main graduations may be each 5 or 10 mL. If main graduations are each 5 mL, intermediate graduations do not apply.


This specification covers the requirements for laboratory glass graduated cylinders for precision and general purpose grades. The graduated cylinders may be in one of three styles; beaded lip with... View More

Document History

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ASTM E1272-02(2012)
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