5.1 Flexural properties as determined by this test method are especially useful for quality control and specification purposes. They include:
5.1.1 Flexural Stress (σf)-When a homogeneous elastic material is tested in flexure as a simple beam supported at two points and loaded at the midpoint, the maximum stress in the outer surface of the test specimen occurs at the midpoint. Flexural stress is calculated for any point on the load-deflection curve using equation (Eq 3) in Section 12 (see Notes 5 and 6).
Note 5: Eq 3 applies strictly to materials for which stress is linearly proportional to strain up to the point of rupture and for which the strains are small. Since this is not always the case, a slight error will be introduced if Eq 3 is used to calculate stress for materials that are not true Hookean materials. The equation is valid for obtaining comparison data and for specification purposes, but only up to a maximum fiber strain of 5 % in the outer surface of the test specimen for specimens tested by the procedures described herein.
Note 6: When testing highly orthotropic laminates, the maximum stress may not always occur in the outer surface of the test specimen.4 Laminated beam theory must be applied to determine the maximum tensile stress at failure. If Eq 3 is used to calculate stress, it will yield an apparent strength based on homogeneous beam theory. This apparent strength is highly dependent on the ply-stacking sequence of highly orthotropic laminates.
5.1.2 Flexural Stress for Beams Tested at Large Support Spans (σf)-If support span-to-depth ratios greater than 16 to 1 are used such that deflections in excess of 10 % of the support span occur, the stress in the outer surface of the specimen for a simple beam is reasonably approximated using equation (Eq 4) in 12.3 (see Note 7).
Note 7: When large support span-to-depth ratios are used, significant end forces are developed at the support noses which will affect the moment in a simple supported beam. Eq 4 includes additional terms that are an approximate correction factor for the influence of these end forces in large support span-to-depth ratio beams where relatively large deflections exist.
5.1.3 Flexural Strength (σfM)-Maximum flexural stress sustained by the test specimen (see Note 6) during a bending test. It is calculated according to Eq 3 or Eq 4. Some materials that do not break at strains of up to 5 % give a load deflection curve that shows a point at which the load does not increase with an increase in strain, that is, a yield point (Fig. 1, Curve b), Y. The flexural strength is calculated for these materials by letting P (in Eq 3 or Eq 4) equal this point, Y.
Curve c: Specimen that neither yields nor breaks before the 5 % strain limit.
5.1.4 Flexural Offset Yield Strength-Offset yield strength is the stress at which the stress-strain curve deviates by a given strain (offset) from the tangent to the initial straight line portion of the stress-strain curve. The value of the offset must be given whenever this property is calculated.
Note 8: Flexural Offset Yield Strength may differ from flexural strength defined in 5.1.3. Both methods of calculation are described in the annex to Test Method D638.
5.1.5 Flexural Stress at Break (σfB)-Flexural stress at break of the test specimen during a bending test. It is calculated according to Eq 3 or Eq 4. Some materials give a load deflection curve that shows a break point, B, without a yield point (Fig. 1, Curve a) in which case σfB = σfM. Other materials give a yield deflection curve with both a yield and a break point, B (Fig. 1, Curve b). The flexural stress at break is calculated for these materials by letting P (in Eq 3 or Eq 4) equal this point, B.
5.1.6 Stress at a Given Strain-The stress in the outer surface of a test specimen at a given strain is calculated in accordance with Eq 3 or Eq 4 by letting P equal the load read from the load-deflection curve at the deflection corresponding to the desired strain (for highly orthotropic laminates, see Note 6).
5.1.7 Flexural Strain, ɛf-Nominal fractional change in the length of an element of the outer surface of the test specimen at midspan, where the maximum strain occurs. Flexural strain is calculated for any deflection using Eq 5 in 12.4.
5.1.8 Modulus of Elasticity: Tangent Modulus of Elasticity-The tangent modulus of elasticity, often called the "modulus of elasticity," is the ratio, within the elastic limit, of stress to corresponding strain. It is calculated by drawing a tangent to the steepest initial straight-line portion of the load-deflection curve and using Eq 6 in 12.5.1 (for highly anisotropic composites, see Note 15).
Note 9: Shear deflections can seriously reduce the apparent modulus of highly anisotropic composites when they are tested at low span-to-depth ratios.4 For this reason, a span-to-depth ratio of 60 to 1 is recommended for flexural modulus determinations on these composites. Flexural strength should be determined on a separate set of replicate specimens at a lower span-to-depth ratio that induces tensile failure in the outer fibers of the beam along its lower face. Since the flexural modulus of highly anisotropic laminates is a critical function of ply-stacking sequence, it will not necessarily correlate with tensile modulus, which is not stacking-sequence dependent. Secant Modulus-The secant modulus is the ratio of stress to corresponding strain at any selected point on the stress-strain curve, that is, the slope of the straight line that joins the origin and a selected point on the actual stress-strain curve. It shall be expressed in megapascals (pounds per square inch). The selected point is chosen at a pre-specified stress or strain in accordance with the appropriate material specification or by customer contract. It is calculated in accordance with Eq 6 by letting m equal the slope of the secant to the load-deflection curve. The chosen stress or strain point used for the determination of the secant shall be reported. Chord Modulus (Ef)-The chord modulus is calculated from two discrete points on the load deflection curve. The selected points are to be chosen at two pre-specified stress or strain points in accordance with the appropriate material specification or by customer contract. The chosen stress or strain points used for the determination of the chord modulus shall be reported. Calculate the chord modulus, Ef using Eq 7 in 12.5.2.
5.2 Experience has shown that flexural properties vary with specimen depth, temperature, atmospheric conditions, and strain rate as specified in Procedures A and B.
5.3 Before proceeding with these test methods, refer to the ASTM specification of the material being tested. Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions, or testing parameters, or combination thereof, covered in the ASTM material specification shall take precedence over those mentioned in these test methods. Table 1 in Classification System D4000 lists the ASTM material specifications that currently exist for plastics.
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